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The city ows its origins to the flax (linen) manufacture, which was erected in 1829 on the grounds, on which today's Zyrardow is located. It was one of the largest and most modern flax manufactures at that time in Europe. The name Zyrardow derives from the name of the first technical director of the factory, Philip de Girard. One of his inventions was a machine for mechanical spinning of linen. In 1916 Zyrardow was awarded a city status

The enterprise was taken over in the second half of the XIX century by two german industrialists: Karol Dittrich and Karol Hiele. The factory was enlarged and along with it, the industrial settlement.

Zyrardow is one of the few surviving examples of the architecture of such XIX century industrial settlements in Europe - see selection of photographs (http://www.zyrardow.pl/historia).

Old town - see near lower left corner of the map: http://www.zyrardow.pl/mapa,starowka

17. Church of the Ascension of the Lord - new gothic, completed in 1898, originally surrounded by a cemetry, built to serve the needs of the evangelical-augsburg (lutheran) parish, designed by the architect Lossner. At present - a roman-catholic parish.

18. Chapel - at present a chapel of the evangelical-augsburg parish.

 The Evangelical-Augsburg (Lutheran) Church in Poland


Zyrardow Parish 


Prepared by: Waldemar J Wajszczuk & Paweł Stefaniuk 2004
e-mail: drzewo.rodziny.wajszczuk@gmail.com


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