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Polish settlements: Wanda (Argentina) and Jagoda (Brazil)

Excerpts from book by Teresa Kaczorowska: "W cieniu araukarii. Spotkania z Polonią brazylijską"
("In the shade of the Araucaria trees. Encounters with the brazilian Polonia")
Published by "Książka i Wiedza", Warszawa 2000, ISBN 83-05-13136-X


page 167

(...) Apolonia and Eugeniusz Jaremczuk live on the outskirts of Quedas do Iguaçu, a large municipio in the north of Parana, close to the Iguaçu river. (...)
- This settlement was once called Jagoda -- he tells. -- He is interested in history; he owns early maps
and documents of the place. -- The Poles who first settled here selected this name to honor the daughter
of (Marshall) Jozef Pilsudski -- he says with humour, verve, polish style. -- The second colony was named


page 168

after Wanda, the second daughter of the Marshall. The name Wanda remained unchanged until present,
because the settlement is located on the argentinian side. They did not have there the nationalism of (Brazilian President) Vargas. Here, they changed the name three times: from Jagoda to Campo Novo, and then to Quedas do Iguaçu. That is it's current name.    
       Jagoda remained only for us. For ever. Jagoda was one of the last polish colonies (settlements) in Brazil. It was established already during the existence of the resurrected II Republic, during the years 1930 - 1932. At that time, the authorities signed in Kuritiba, the capital of the State of Parana, an agreement with the polish government about creating on the shores of Iguaçu a settlement for polish emigrants. A "Paranska Spolka Kolonizacyjno-Handlowa" (Parana Colonisation-Trade Partnership) was created, which was responsible for measuring the lots and for caring for the settlers. The documents reveal that the first chief of the Jagoda Colony was Jozef Obara. And among the first colonists - The Jaremczuks. (...)


(translated by WJW)


Prepared by: Waldemar J Wajszczuk & Paweł Stefaniuk 2004
e-mail: drzewo.rodziny.wajszczuk@gmail.com


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