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wersja polska

Dr med. Lucjusz Albin Wajszczuk 0086

Dr Lucjusz Wajszczuk was born on February 2, 1895 in Siedlce from father Piotr and mother Marianna nee Maciejczyk. He graduated from high school in Siedlce in 1917. He then began study of medicine in Charkov. After Poland regained her freedom, he continued his studies at the Medical Faculty of the Warsaw University and was awarded a physician's diploma in 1923. Still as a medical student, he worked in the Ujazdowski Hospital in Warsaw. In 1933 he married Wanda Herman. He had two children, both also physicians (Waldemar and Anna)

Dr Wajszczuk came from a well respected family. His father, who was an organist, instilled in the children the love of music, and many patriotic songs shaped the young characters. Edmund - one of Lucjusz's brothers, also a physician, lost three of his children in the Warsaw Uprising (Barbara in the "Gustaw" Battalion, Antoni and Wojciech). A second brother - Karol, a priest perished in Dachau (concentration camp).

Dr Lucjusz Wajszczuk himself was not bypassed by the events of the War. In 1939 he was drafted holding a rank of a captain to command a Military Hospital in Lukow, and after the capitulation worked his way back home. During the war, he was connected with Armia Krajowa (underground "Home Army" - AK) and provided medical care to the partisans. Clandestine meetings of the AK took place in his home. During the period of intense persecutions by the UB (Urzad Bezpieczenstwa - communist "Security Office"), jail was also his fate. The reason was a denunciation by one of the employees of the Ubezpieczalnia (Public Health Service facility, where he worked) that he allegedly had in his posession pictures from Katyn (where the Soviet Security forces shot several thousand of detained Polish Officers in the Spring of 1940). Although the search did not reveal any evidence, he and his wife were arrested. She was released after one week, but he lost three months of his life in jail.* Until this day, people remember with gratitude the medical disability certificates issued by Dr Wajszczuk, which saved them from deportations to Germany (as forced laborers). In 1945, he was again called to active military duty and assigned to a Military Hospital in Wloclawek, already as a major. After one year, he returned to Siedlce, where he worked as a chief on the Infectious Disease Service (in the local hospital) and as an internist until his retirement. He died in Warsaw on November 8, 1978 and is buried in a cemetery in Siedlce.

From the book by prof. Zbigniew Anusz: "Dzialalnosc Sluzby Zdrowia ZWZ-AK na terenie Powiatu Siedleckiego w latach 1939-1945, str. 46-48" (Activities of the ZWZ-AK Medical Services in the territory of Siedlce District during the years 1939-1945, pp. 46-48) - information obtained thanks to the courtesy of Dr Wladyslaw Stefanoff from Siedlce.

(explanations and comments in parentheses - by WJW) 

* in all probability, he remained initially under arrest and then jailed for a longer period of time - preserved letters to his wife from the jail in Siedlce have dates from April 27, 1952 to July 13, 1952 - details on a separate webpage, under preparation (WJW).

str. 541

str. 542

Dokumenty z Głównej Biblioteki Lekarskiej - odnalezione przez W. Sobeckiego - (10.VIII.2009) 

odpis dyplomu - 1923 r. 

odpis prawa praktyki - 1926 r.

Kwestionariusz do zatrudnienia - 1940 r.




Wyjątek z listu Władysława Bieguńskiego z 15.I.2006:

"Wysyłam trzy strony, z których jedna powinna Pana zainteresować."

Franciszek Gryciuk

Treść przypisu nr 10 dotyczy źródła informacji: "WAPS MRN - Protokoly posiedzeń plenarnych PMRN 1944 - 1948; protokół z 29.08.1944".

Dr Lucjusz Wajszczuk - ekspert Sądu Podlaskiego

Ks. Piotr Aleksandrowicz: DIECEZJA SIEDLECKA czyli PODLASKA
W 150 rocznicę erekcji (1818-1968)

Przyczynki i materiały do dziejów Diecezji Siedleckiej czyli Podlaskiej; SIEDLCE, 1971

Lekarze - eksperci Sądu Podlaskiego. Dość długo nie było przy Duchownym
Sądzie Podlaskim stałych lekarzy-ekspertów, których udział w niektórych
procesach jest konieczny lub polecany. W razie potrzeby zapraszani byli do poszczególnych spraw w charakterze ekspertów miejscowi lekarze (Hilary Ostrow­ski, Bronisław Krakówka). Do r. 1942 nie ma w aktach Sądu Podlaskiego żadnego śladu ich zatwierdzenia na stałe. Występu­ją w tym charakterze już od r. 1942.

Stałymi lekarzami-ekspertami sądowymi obecnie są lekarze siedleccy:
Mieczysław Piotrowski, Lucjan Wajszczuk* (17 X 1942), Modest
Lubieniuk (1949 - jeszcze nie odwołany), Zofia Stefanoff-Zieleniewska,
Zdzisław Szewczyk, Danuta Łuszczak.


* błędnie podano imię – powinno być Lucjusz (WJW).
Informacje nadesłał p. Krzysztof Sprzączak.


Przygotowali: Waldemar J Wajszczuk & Paweł Stefaniuk 2023
e-mail: drzewo.rodziny.wajszczuk@gmail.com